Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons are game controllers. They can be used as a single one. You can also use them separately. In this post, MiniTool Software will show you how to connect Joy-Cons to PC and how to use Joy-Cons on your Windows computer.

Joy-Cons are the game controllers for the Nintendo Switch video game console. They have two individual units and each of them contains an analog stick and an array of buttons. Can you use the Nintendo Switch controller on PC? They can be connected to the Switch via Bluetooth. This means that you can also connect joy-cons to PC.

Then, we will show you how to connect Joy-Cons to PC and how to use Joy-Cons on PC.

Tip: Although Joy-Cons are available on any version of Windows, Windows 10 is the best choice because the drivers for Joy-Cons can work best with Windows 10.

The Usage of Joy-Cons on PC

First, you need to make sure that your computer supports Bluetooth connectivity. If not, you need to use a Bluetooth adapter.

When Bluetooth is available, you will have two choices:

Use each Joy-Con individually

You can use each Joy-Con as a standalone controller. If you are playing two-players’ games or retro style games, this is a good option.

Use the Joy-Cons as one controller

You can also use the Joy-Cons together as a single controller. If you are playing modern games that need two analog sticks, this is a good choice.

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How to Connect Joy-Cons to PC?

Before using Joy-Cons on your computer, you need to connect them to your computer via Bluetooth. Here is a simple guide on how to connect Switch controller to PC:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Go to Settings > Device > Bluetooth & other devices.
  3. Click Add Bluetooth or other devices to continue.
  4. Press the sync button on the Joy-Con until its lights are flashing. The sync button is located on the connector rail between the SL and SR buttons.
  5. Click Bluetooth on the Add a device interface.
  6. Joy-Con (L) or Joy-Con (R) will appear in the Bluetooth devices menu. You can click it and then wait until the connection is successful. If you want to pair the other controller to your computer, you can repeat the above steps to do the job.
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How to Use Joy-Cons on PC?

After connecting Joy-Cons to your Windows computer, you still need to take some measures to make your computer understand the inputs from each controller. Now, we will show you how to use BetterJoy to do this work. It can also allow you to quickly switch between using Joy-Cons as separate controllers or together as a single controller.

Here is a guide:

  1. Go to the GitHub repo to download BetterJoy.
  2. The download files are compressed. You need to extract them and then open the drivers subfolder.
  3. Right-click ViGEmBUS_Setup and select Run as administrator. You can see the file installation wizard. You need to follow the wizard to install the necessary drivers.
  4. After the installation, you need to go back to the main BetterJoy folder and then run BetterJoyForCemu as administrator.
  5. BetterJoy will begin to recognize the paired Joy-Cons. If you want to use Joy-Cons as separate controllers, you need to click one of the Joy-Con icons. Then, the icons will be displayed in a horizontal orientation. Then, if you want to use them as a single Switch controller, you can click either icon again.

Now, you know how to connect Joy-Cons on PC and how to use them on PC. If you have any related issues, you can let us know in the comment.

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