Do you know how to completely wipe out the account you have ever used? If you want to thoroughly make your account disappear, this article about how to delete Reddit account on MiniTool Website will help you. Of course, even though you just want to remove your account, you can also refer to this post.

Some Initial Considerations Before the Deletion

  1. Your data can still persist in your account because your posts and comments do not get deleted automatically unless you manually delete them.
  2. You can’t reactivate your account once the Reddit account gets deleted. Therefore, you’d better rethink the deletion and you may never retrieve your account.
  3. If you have any personally identifiable information posts, such as your real name, where you work, or even a holiday announcement, it’s wise to delete those before deactivating your account.
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How to Thoroughly Delete Reddit Account?

Part 1: Delete Reddit Posts and Comments

First of all, if you hope no data exists in your account and disappear with the account, you can manually delete them.

To delete Reddit posts

Step 1: Log in to your Reddit account and then click on your username in the upper right corner.

Step 2: Click on Profile and then switch to the POSTS tab.

Step 3: Click the three-dots icon next to the post you are prepared to delete and then click Delete.

Step 4: Then click Delete post again to confirm your choice.

To delete Reddit comments

Step 1: Go to the Comments tab under Profile.

Step 2: Click the three-dots icon under your comment and click Delete.

Step 3: Click Delete to confirm your choice.

Part 2: Delete Your Reddit Account

After finishing part 1, now you can proceed to the next part – delete your Reddit account. This is a guide to deleting Reddit account on desktop and mobile devices.

For desktop users:

Step 1: Go to the Reddit website and log in to your account.

Step 2: Click on your username in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Then click on the User Settings option in the pull-down menu.

Step 4: Under the Account tab, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Click on the DELETE ACCOUNT option.


Step 6: Then Reddit will ask you why you want to delete your account and you can choose to answer or not.

Step 7: Fill in your username and password again to help verify your identity for security purposes.

Step 8: Check the box in front of I understand that deleted accounts aren’t recoverable and then click DELETE.

Step 9: Then click DELETE again to confirm your choice.

Now, you have successfully deleted your Reddit account on your desktop.

For Android users:

Step 1: Open your browser and go to the Reddit User settings page.

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom and tap DELETE ACCOUNT.

Then the next part just repeats the steps in the desktop part.

For iPhone users:

Step 1: Open the Reddit app and tap on your Avatar in the top right corner.

Step 2: Tap Settings and then Delete account at the bottom of the menu.

Step 3: Tap on Yes, Delete in the pop-up box to confirm your selection.

Then, your account can be deleted successfully.

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Bottom Line:

Before you delete Reddit account, you can rethink if it is worth doing. Something cannot recover once the result sets. Some accounts may load your memory on it.

This article has given a full guide for deleting Reddit accounts and you can follow the steps to reach the purpose.

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