This article from MiniTool party mainly introduces four methods to do Sony PSN name checker work: while creating a PSN account, by changing the current online ID, via adding a friend, or rely on a third-party service.

About PlayStation Name Checker

PSN name checker refers to a person, program, or way to check for the availability of a username when you create an account of the PlayStation Network (PSN). And, there isn’t such a man who works to check whether a PSN name is available for you. So, here in his article, we will only talk about the software or method used to check the usability of a PSN name.

PSN Name Checker While Creating PSN Account

Usually, when you create an account to use a service (email, social communication, cloud storage, video streaming, etc.), you will be asked to create a username or online ID. Then, when you try to input a name that you like, you may be prompted with a message reminding that the name you enter just now has been taken or has been used by others.

Then, you should reenter another name. usually, you need to try 3 – 5 times to successfully get an available name, or even more times for those hot services like Google Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Discord, and so on. If you want to quickly get an available username and don’t care about whether it is meaningful/easy-to-remember or not, you can just take the name suggested by the system.

As you can see, the signing system of the service itself can check the availability of a name, so as the PSN system. So, next, it will show you how to check PSN name availability during the process of creating a PSN account.

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Create PSN Account Through Web Browser

Step 1. Click Sign in button on the upper right in

Step 2. On the next page, select Create New Account to continue.

Step 3. Confirm the PSN ID creation by clicking Create.

Step 4. Input your date of birth.

Step 5. Select your Country/Region and Language.

Step 6. Enter one of your email addresses as sign-in ID, and set your password.

Step 7. Input your detailed residence address and postal code and go on.

Step 8. Key in your PSN username, first name, and last name, and click Next.

Create PSN Username

If you successfully create a PSN account without any error, it means that the username you input is available. Otherwise, it will fail with a message informing you which part is wrong. If it is because you enter a name that has already been taken, you need to choose another name.

Just as mentioned in the above content, and you can also see from the above screenshot, there are recommended usernames for you, and those names are surely available. If you don’t like the current ones, you can click Refresh next to the names to change to another few available names.

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PSN Create Account via PlayStation Console

You can also create a PSN account with PS4 or PS5. The process is as below.

Step 1. Select New User on the sign-in page of your PlayStation system.

Step 2. On the next screen, choose Create a User.

Step 3. Accept the User Agreement.

Step 4. Select Next in the description screen to continue.

Step 5. Select New to PlayStation™ Network – Create an Account.

Step 6. Read the information and click Sign Up Now.

Step 7. Next, the steps are similar to the ones of creating a PSN account online through a website in the above. Just follow the guide.

Similarly, after inputting your online username and click Next, wait to see whether you can go on or not. If you can, it means that the name you input is available; if not, most probably that your name has already been taken. Change one to retry.

Tip: If you input a name that is available, but then discards it for another, that name will be unavailable for seven days or so. Then, it will become available again.

PSN Name Checker by Changing Online ID

Similarly, you can also do a PS4 name checker by trying to change your PSN name. Generally, go to your profile page, click Edit beside your current Online ID. Then, Accept the name change policy and rules; input your new username and click Check Availability. If the new name is available, you can continue. If not, you will be noticed and you should change another PlayStation name.

Change PSN Online ID

Tip: You can only change your online ID for free once. For more than one time, you need to pay for some money. And, you may encounter some problems after changing your username. For more details, please visit

PSN Name Availability Checker by Adding A Friend

Just go to try to add a friend and type the username you want. If it pops up a message screen, then the name is taken. If not, it means the username is probably available.

Or, just write a message and type in a random name you want to look up. If you can continue, the name is probably available.

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PSN Name Checker – Third-party Service

Finally, you can make use of a kind of an online PlayStation Network name checker to check whether the username you want is available or not, such as

PSN ID Availability Checker

Or, you can download an app (e.g. PSN ID Checker) on one of your mobile devices to do the PSN account name checker.

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