What is World Password Day? When is the World Password Day 2020? How to observe the International Password Day 2020? This post from MiniTool will introduce some basic information about World Password Day 2020.

We use lots of online services in daily life such as online bank, online pay, shopping and so on. We have a lot of online accounts and passwords. So, digital protection has become more and more important. Therefore, there is a World Password Day to encourage people to protect themselves through a strong password.

However, do you know when the World Password Day 2022 is and what the history of World Password Day is and how to observe it?

So, in the following section, we will show you some detailed information about World Password Day.

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When Is the World Password Day 2022

The World Password Day of every year is the first Thursday of May and it reminds us of the importance of protecting ourselves through strong passwords. World Password Day helps people to improve passwords that they use for their online accounts and provide sources to learn more about cyber security.

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The History of World Password Day

After knowing the celebration day of the World Password Day 2022, do you know what the history of World Password is?

The security researcher – Mark Burnet first encouraged people to have a password day where they update important passwords in his book Perfect Passwords, published in 2005. Then Intel Security was inspired by his idea, and declared the first Thursday of May as the World Password Day in 2013. After that, the World Password Day has raised awareness about the need of password security.

The Importance of World Password Day

In the above part, we have introduced when the World Password Day 2022 is and what the history of World Password Day is. In this part, we will show you the importance of the International Password Day 2022.

Firstly, so much of our information lives on the Internet. For example, your online banking accounts, bill payment sites, shopping sites, and so on. So, a strong password is necessary.

Secondly, you have heard about password managers and multi-factor authentication. So, World Password Day is a good chance to educate yourself so as to set a strong password to protect your account and information.

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How to Observe World Password Day?

After learning some basic information about World Password Day, do you know how to observe World Password Day?

To celebrate the Word Password Day, you can have the following activity.

  1. Visit PasswordDay.org.
  2. Take the World Password Day pledge.
  3. Share password tips on social media.
  4. Change a weak password to a strong one.
  5. Turn on two-factor authentication for your important accounts.
  6. Host a password party.
  7. Alert your friends.

Of course, you can also take other activities to celebrate World Password Day.

How to Set Strong Password?

As we have mentioned in the above part, a strong password is necessary for you to safeguard your account. Hence, do you know how to set a strong password? Here, we list some strategies that you can obey.

  • Set a password consisting of at least 16 or more characters.
  • Use numbers, special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Avoid using any word related to yourself or the service the password is protecting.
  • It is necessary to use two-factor authentication wherever possible.

To set a strong password, you can follow the above tips.

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Final Words

To sum up, this post has introduced what the World Password Day is and when World Password Day is. In addition, we also have introduced how to observe it and how to set a strong password.

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