PlayStation 5 is quite popular among game lovers. Some of them encountered the “PS5 turn on by itself” issue. Here, MiniTool puts together some methods to solve the problem. If you are bothered by the same issue, you can have a try.

The PlayStation 5 is the successor to the PlayStation 4, developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment. With better graphics, smoother gameplay, high refresh rates, and great game loading speeds, the PlayStation 5 sets a new benchmark in the console industry.

However, the PS5 also has a lot of issues, and you may notice that PS5 turn on by itself. Let’s find out why this particular problem occurs.

Also see:

Why Does My PS5 Turn on by Itself

Why does my PS5 turn on by itself? You may ask this question. The following are some possible reasons.

  • You have activated the Rest Mode option in PS5.
  • You have connected your TV to the PS5 via HDMI or a pass-through device causing it to turn on when you turn on the TV.
  • When the PS5 tries to download the latest update or upload saved data to cloud storage, it starts by itself.

How to Fix PS5 Turn on by Itself

Fix 1: Turn off Internet Connectivity in Rest mode

First, you can try to turn off Internet connectivity in Reset mode. Here is how to do that:

Step 1: Select the Settings icon on the PS5 main Dashboard.

Step 2: Select the Power Settings menu in the left pane and select Features Available in Rest Mode.

Step 3: Next, disable the Stay connected to the Internet and Enable Turning on PS5 from network options.

Fix 2: Disconnect the HDMI Device Link

You may encounter the “PS5 turn on by itself” issue if the HDMI device link is active in the console settings. Thus, it’s recommended to disconnect the HDMI device link. Follow the guide below:

Step 1: Go to the Settings menu on the PS5 main Dashboard.

Step 2: Now select the System menu from the list.

Step 3: In the left pane, select HDMI, and turn off the Enable HDMI Device link option.

Fix 3: Turn off Remote Play

Another feature that automatically turns on your PlayStation 5 could be the Remote Play feature, as it can automatically turn on your PlayStation through a connected app. So you’d better disable it if you want to play remotely and then use it manually.

Step 1: Go to PlayStation5 Settings as the previously described method.

Step 2: Go to System. Scroll down to Remote Play.

Step 3: Turn off the Enable Remote Play option.

Fix 4: Check Remote Batteries

Some users have noticed that the PlayStation 5 always shows the Media Remote icon when rebooting. To fix this, the user threw some new batteries in the remote and the problem went away. If the battery gets low, the remote sends a mix of signals to the console via Bluetooth, causing it to malfunction.

Final Words

To fix the “PS5 Turn on by Itself”, this post has shown 4 reliable solutions. If you have come across the same error, try these solutions. If you have any better ideas to fix it, you can share them in the comment zone.

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