Windows 10 May 2019 Update will be launched in the late of this month. There are not so many new features in it, but Windows 10 May Update 2019 improvements are worth expecting. Read this post to get some related information.

There will be a lot of improvements in Windows 10 May 2019 Updates. However, there are not so many new features except Windows Sandbox, Light Theme and improved Windows Update controls. In this post, we will show you some attractive Windows 10 May 2019 Update improvements.

Preferred Brightness Remains

In old Windows versions, there are two different display brightness modes when the device is on battery mode and plugged in. However, Windows 10 May 2019 Update just sets one common setting for both of these two scenarios. When you unplug your laptop, the brightness doesn’t change.

Windows File Explorer

The icon of Windows File Explorer is also updated. It looks much better with the new light theme. It is designed with darker shades of same colors and looks more elegant.

The default download folder has also been modified. It can show the most recently downloaded files at the top of the list despite of the names of the files. However, the sorting will not be changed if you have already changed the current sorting.

Task Manager

Now, when you open Task manager, you will see the processes tab. In Windows 10 19H1, you are allowed to set your preferred tab. Next time, when you lauch Task manager, it will jump to the preferred tab directly.

Improved RAW Image Format Support

Some portable devices such as smart phones and cameras produce RAW image files. The latest Windows update improves the native raw files format support in Windows 10. While, you need to download the Raw Image Extension (Beta) package from the Microsoft Store.

Then, you can view the image thumbnails and raw files from camera metadata in Windows File Explorer. However, it is still unsure whether it will be added into the final Windows 10 19H1 version.

Reset This PC

The UI for Reset this PC wizard has also been improved. The new changes can deliver a more consistent experience among devices. Besides, it just needs fewer clicks to end the operation.

Fix Unable to Reset Your PC A Required Drive Partition Is Missing
Fix Unable to Reset Your PC A Required Drive Partition Is Missing

When you need to reset your PC, you may encounter a required drive partition is missing issue. Please see this post to know how to solve it effectively.

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Action Center

To change the brightness of the computer, you can now just enter Action Center to adjust the slider. Besides, you can also customize the Quick actions from the Action Center by removing or swapping the action according to your own needs.

High DPI

This improvement is for Win32 (desktop) app.

Recently, Microsoft added a new feature to Windows. With it, you can manually solve the scaling and blurry application issues. Previously, this feature was disabled by default. But in Windows 10 19H1, it is enabled by default.

Focus Assist

When you are using your computer to do the work or entertainment, you may be interrupted by the notifications and other distractions. But, the Focus Assist feature can code with the large numbers of notifications when you are playing games.

Currently, you need to toggle it on or off to use Focus Assist. But, in the next update, this feature will be enabled automatically when you are playing a full-screen game or doing other things in full-screen.

Time Servers

It is a common phenomenon that Windows shows you the wrong time. Microsoft addresses this issue and now you can press one button to make the machine to sync with a time server manually.

It’s annoying when the clock in Windows refuses to adjust itself and display the wrong time.

Additionally, this new update modified the overall performance of your computer in two ways – robust fixes for Spectre vulnerabilities and a separate process for Start menu.

In the late of May, this new update will be released and you can experience its new improvements if you want to.

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