File system errors can happen for many reasons. Since this kind of error has occurred too many times, many users complained about that and hope to find a way to get rid of it. On MiniTool Website, many related similar errors have been introduced while this article will develop around file system error (-2147219195).

What Is the File System Error (-2147219195)?

People reported that when they attempt to open a photo or image from the Microsoft Photos app, the file system error 2147219195 appears to stop the process. In the Microsoft forum, we find more than 100 users have ever come across this problem.

I can't open any pictures I have on file through the Microsoft photos app. I'm always getting the error below; anyone knows how to resolve this. Thank you.

file system error (-2147219195)

Don’t worry. According to what we have known about the error 2147219195, there are some methods available to fix “file system error 2147219195” in the next part.

How to Fix the File System Error (-1073741521) in Windows?
How to Fix the File System Error (-1073741521) in Windows?

Have you ever encountered the file system error (-1073741521)? If you are still struggling with the file system error (-1073741521), this post will be helpful.

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How to Fix the File System Error (-2147219195)?

Fix 1: Check Windows License Manager Service

The file system error 2147219195 can be triggered by some wrongly configured settings in Services. You need to make sure that the Windows License Manager Service is automated and check if the error has been gone.

Step 1: Type Services in Search and open it.

Step 2: Locate and double-click on Windows License Manager Service.

Step 3: When the next window pops up, in the General tab, change Startup type: to Automatic and click Apply and OK.

change Startup type

Fix 2: Run Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

If something wrong happens on the Photos app, you can use Windows Store Apps troubleshooter to repair the bugs. Here is the way.

Step 1: Open Settings by pressing Win + I and go to Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional troubleshooters.

Step 2: Scroll down to click on Windows Store Apps and choose Run the troubleshooter.

click Run the troubleshooter

Then follow the on-screen instructions to finish the troubleshooting and check if you get rid of the file system error (-2147219195).

Fix 3: Repair or Reset the Photos App

There is another way to fix a corrupted Photos app. Go to try it!

Step 1: Open Settings and Apps and then scroll down from the right panel to locate and click on Microsoft Photos.

Step 2: Click on the Advanced options link and scroll down to choose Terminate.

Step 3: Then you can choose Repair or Reset to fix bugs.

choose Reset

Fix 4: Reinstall Photos App

Another method to get rid of the file system error (-2147219195) is to reinstall the Photos app. You can’t just remove it, as a core app, via the regular method. Please use PowerShell to finish the move.

Step 1: Input Windows PowerShell in Search and run it as an administrator.

Step 2: Copy and paste the following command in the window and press Enter.

Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage

Step 3: When the command finishes, you can restart your computer and install this program from your Microsoft Store.

Besides, if all the above methods can’t resolve your issue, you can go to check for your Windows updates; outdated Windows may be the reason that stops you from accessing photos.

Windows File System Error (-1073741515) – Useful Methods Here
Windows File System Error (-1073741515) – Useful Methods Here

What is the file system error (-1073741515)? How to fix the file system error (-1073741515) in Windows 10? This article will resolve your issues.

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Bottom Line:

Some file system errors can be hard to fix but this file system error (-2147219195) is mainly related to the Photos app and most people can fix the issue by reinstalling the Photos app. Now, hope this article can help you resolve this issue.

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