This essay from MiniTool team provides two solutions for error “your PSN account has already been associated with another epic games account.” Just take a look at them and choose one that fits your situation.

As a user of PlayStation and a gamer of Epic games, have you ever encountered errors like “your PSN account has already been associated with another epic games account”? If you have, how do you solve your problem? Do you adopt one of the following methods?

Solution 1. Change Epic Games Account Details

If you receive the above message when you try to connect your console to your Epic Games account, the chance may be that the console has already been connected to an Epic Games account yet you aren’t aware of that. If so, you should log in to your console PSN account to verify your account details.

Step 1. Click to login with your console account.

Step 2. Select the icon for your console type.

Sign in Epic Games

Step 3. Log in with your console account credentials.

Step 4. Then, in the Epic Games account, you can change or verify your account information.

Tip: The email address of your console account might be different from the email on your Epic Games account.

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Solution 2. Upgrade to A Full Epic Games Account

When you are informed with “your PSN has already been associated with another epic games account”, it may also be that your console account is connected to a nameless account. That is to say, when you connect your console account to Epic Games, your console account has no email, password, display username, first and last name.

The situation probably is that when you first use your console to play Epic Games, you select not to register for an Epic Games account. So, Epic automatically creates an account for you using your console login credentials to access the account. Therefore, you can play and save your game process and purchases and you can continue with where you are last time you exit the game as well as use the things you purchased.

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If you want to get rid of on Fortnite, you can read this post. This post provides some feasible methods.

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Anyhow, to fix the issue, you are recommended to upgrade to a full Epic Games account following the guide below. And, you are not suggested to disconnect your console account from the Epic Games account that is created for you automatically by Epic. Otherwise, you will lose your game data and purchases.

Step 1. Go to Look in the upper right corner and make sure you aren’t signed in.

Step 2. Click SIGN IN.

Step 3. On the next page (same as the above picture), select SIGN IN WITH PLAYSTATION NETWORK.

Step 4. You will be redirected to the PlayStation website to sign in with your PSN account.

Step 5. Then, you will be returned back to the Epic Games website and you should fill in all required information. The email address you input shouldn’t already be registered to another Epic Games account and it should be a valid email.

Upgrade to A Full Epic Games Account

 Step 6. Check “I have read and agree to the terms of services” and click CONTINUE to finish this task.

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No matter which way you take to deal with your problem, finally, you can connect your PlayStation console to your Epic Games account and enjoy your games freely.

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