Windows 10 October 2018 Update was released in October 2, 2018. However, it was pulled days later for the serious file deletion bug. Actually, this issue should be taken seriously and avoided ay first. What happened and caused the serious result? Now, in this post, we will show you the story we know.

In November 12, 2018, Microsoft re-released Windows 10 October 2018 Update. It was more than one month after the first released Windows 10 October 2018 Update.

Most of you must know that this update was pulled due to the file deletion bug. And then Microsoft worked for getting rid of this issue and then re-launched it. After this new released version, Microsoft said the file deletion won’t happen again.

Well, if file deletion issue happens to you in this situation, to recover the lost files on Windows 10, you can use the free data recovery software – MiniTool Power Data Recovery.

Recover Lost Files After Windows Update with Four Methods
Recover Lost Files After Windows Update with Four Methods

Do you know how to recover lost files after Windows update? This post shows you several methods to get them back.

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Now, we don’t know how Microsoft has made to overcome this issue. However, we collect some information and summarize it.

What Happened to Windows 10 October 2018 Update?

The fact is that, months before the official release of Windows 10 October 2018 Update, many Insiders had reported the very similar issue in the Feedback Hub. Unfortunately, this report was ignored or unseen by Microsoft mistakenly because they thought it was not a serious problem, or not a real problem.

According to the related people saying, Microsoft engineers mistook these file deletion report for another similar issue in which Insiders can’t find the files after Windows 10 update because they logged in another account.

That is to say, Insiders had reported two different file deletion bugs: one was no severe, and the other one was a real deleting files bug.

We are told that in the past two years, Microsoft has received some reports the Feedback Hub every month with the issue that “My files have been deleted after installing the latest build or update.”

When Microsoft wanted to dig into this issue, it discovered that some users just booted into a temporary account after installing the new Windows 10 version, and thus they couldn’t find their files there.

In fact, the files were just in the place where they should be and users can just logged into their own account to see them again.

After that, Microsoft added a popup window in the temporary account to explain that users will boot into a different profile and tell them how to get out of this state. So, this is the reason why Microsoft missed this real Windows 10 October 2018 file deletion bug and caused serious result.

The users who were really suffering the file deletion bug reported the exact same symptoms in the Feedback Hub. And Microsoft mistaken one bug for another and didn’t address the new issue as soon as possible.

Microsoft Makes Changes to Avoid Future Problems

In Microsoft last week’s blog, it said that it makes sure that something like this issue will not happen again. Possible that it takes some measures on the issues report feedback to avoid the similar issue.

It is said that Microsoft has introduced a new severity rating system in the Feedback Hub. For instance, now Insiders now can rare the issue severity on a scale of 1 to 10 which can helps the engineers to determine the importance of the issue.

But, here comes another issue: Insiders may misuse the rating system and increase the engineers’ work intensity.

All in all, Microsoft is working hard to improve the system internally, and you must be hopefully hear more news about this in the future.

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