From the first release day of Windows 10 October 2018 update, many users reported that the update deleted their files. In this serious situation, Microsoft chose to pull the update offline and then try to fix the issue. More than one month later, Microsoft fixed this issue and rolled it out again on November 13, 2018. If you want to use it immediate, you can check for update manually now.

Microsoft Re-released Windows 10 October 2018 Update

On November 13, 2018, Microsoft re-released Windows 10 October 2018 update after encountering the bugs of deleting users files which forced the company to pull it offline in the early October.

The cause of the Windows 10 update offline issue was that many users reported that after the update which was released in the early October, they found that the files on the computer were lost.

Recover Lost Files After Windows Update with Four Methods
Recover Lost Files After Windows Update with Four Methods

Do you know how to recover lost files after Windows update? This post shows you several methods to get them back.

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This was a serious issue, and it then forced the company to pull it offline and re-release the update to beta testers.

In this more than one month period, Microsoft just wanted to fix this issue. It tested the update fully to make sure that this issue as well as some other issues would not happen again. Then, on November 13, 2018, Microsoft roll out Windows 10 October 2018 update again.

How to Get This New Re-released Windows 10 October 2018 Update

If you want to download Windows 10 update as soon as possible, just do it.

As the setting in the last time, only the seekers and the ones who choose to actively download it can get this update.

What does this mean?

It means that if you want to use this update, you need to access to Windows Update and press on the “Check for updates” option to get it manually in condition that the computer is totally compatible.

Besides, Microsoft is going to check on every machine which wants to update to the latest version to make sure that there are no compatibility issues. If there are, Microsoft will not allow you to make such an update.

Here, we will quote one sentence from John Cable, Microsoft’s Director of Program Management, Windows Servicing and Delivery:

… We have taken time to closely monitor feedback and diagnostic data from our Windows Insiders and from the millions of devices on the Windows 10 October Update, and we have no further evidence of data loss. Based on this data, today we are beginning the re-release of the October Update by making it available via media and to advanced users who seek to manually check for updates.

You can see that it is not an easy work to find the source of the Windows 10 update deleted files issue. Microsoft has work hard to make everything back to normal state.

Microsoft’s Attitude

Actually, Microsoft has encountered a big test of Windows 10 quality in this year.

Back to the Windows 10 April 2018 update, Blue Screen of Death issue happened at the last minute, and Microsoft had to delay the release of that version. This was not the end. Then it began to fix desktop and Chrome freezing issues after more than 600 million machines used the update.

Then, it was Windows 10 October 2018 update of this time. Microsoft has to pull it offline to fix it.

When rolling out this update again, Microsoft also talks about how to improve the quality assurance after Windows 10 October 2018 Update debacle. It will do its best to avoid such kinds of issues in the future.

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