It is very annoying to encounter error code 0x800703f1 when you try to update Windows 10, and if you don’t know how to fix the error, this post is what you really need. There are multiple useful methods mentioned in this post to fix the error. Get these methods from the MiniTool website.

Although Windows 10 has become the most used operating system, there are many errors related to its Windows Update feature. And one of the update errors is 0x800703f1 error, which is very frustrating.

The cause of Windows update error 0x800703f1 may be that your system files are corrupted. The damaged system files entries can cause a lot of trouble for your computer.

You cannot update your operating system successfully when 0x800703f1 error appears. And there are some other issues with the error code 0x800703f1.

  • System Restore Error 0x800703f1 – You may meet the error 0x800703f1 when you perform system restore. You can fix the error by disabling your antivirus and scan corrupted system files and then repair them.
  • 0x800703f1 Windows 8 – 0x800703f1 error will also appear on the old versions of Windows, and you can also try the methods below to fix the error.
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4 Errors Solved – System Restore Did Not Complete Successfully

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So after knowing the cause of 0x800703f1 error, then how to fix the error easily? Just keep reading, and there are 6 useful methods for you.

Method 1: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter

The first method you should try is to run Windows Update Troubleshooter to fix the 0x800703f1 error. Windows Update Troubleshooter is a built-in feature that aims at fixing Windows update errors.

Now follow the instructions below to run this method:

Step 1: Press the Win key and the I key at the same time to open Settings.

Step 2: Click Update & Security and then click Troubleshoot in the left panel.

Step 3: Click Windows Update under Get up and running section in the right panel and then click Run the troubleshooter.

click Run the troubleshoot

Step 4: Follow the prompts showing on the screen to finish the troubleshooting process.

Step 5: After the process has been finished, reboot your computer and then check if the error 0x800703f1 Windows 10 is fixed.

If the problem hasn’t been fixed, then you should try the following methods.

Method 2: Disable Antivirus Software

The culprit of 0x800703f1 error may be your antivirus software on your computer. Sometimes, the antivirus can disturb your operating system and then the error 0x800703f1 occurs during the process of updating Windows 10.

So in order to fix this error, it is recommended to disable your third-party antivirus tools if you have installed, and if you don’t have third-party antivirus software, you should disable the Windows Defender temporarily.

Disable Third-Party Antivirus Software

If you are using third-party antivirus software, then you should try the following instructions to disable it.

Step 1: Press the Win key and the X key at the same time to choose Task Manager.

Step 2: Go to the Process tab, and find your third-party antivirus software, right-click it to choose End task.

Step 3: Restart your system and then check if the error is gone.

But if the error isn’t gone, then you need to uninstall it. Follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Apps > Apps & features.

Step 2: Find the third-party antivirus software and then right-click it to choose Uninstall.

Step 3: Now reboot your computer to see if the error is gone.

Note: Sometimes all files and registry entries related to the third-party antivirus software need to be moved. So the best way to do that is to download a specified antivirus removal tool.

Disable Windows Defender

If there is no third-party antivirus software on your computer, then you can try to disable Windows Defender to fx the 0x800703f1 error.

Follow the instructions below to disable Windows Defender temporarily:

Step 1: Open Settings and then click Update & Security.

Step 2: Go to the Windows Security section and then click Virus & threat protection under the Protection areas tab to open Windows Security window.

Step 3: Click Manage settings under the Virus & threat protection settings tab.

Step 4: Find the Real-time protection feature and then turn it off.

turn off Real-time protection feature

Step 5: Reboot your computer and see whether the error still exists.

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However, if disabling antivirus software doesn’t fix the error, then you need to try the following methods.

Method 3: Make Changes to the Drivers

Sometimes, problematic drivers can cause 0x800703f1 error. Although most drivers can work normally before you update your operating system, they may be damaged when you update Windows 10 in some way. Therefore, you can make some changes to the drivers to fix the error.

Roll Back the Drivers

The first step you should take is to roll back the drivers to their previous condition. Here is the tutorial:

Step 1: Press the Win key and the X key at the same time to choose Device Manager.

Step 2: Find the problematic drivers in the list then and right-click it to choose Properties.

Step 3: Go to the Driver tab and then choose Roll Back Driver. Click OK to perform the changes.

Step 4: Restart your computer and check if the error still persists.

Update the Drivers

If rolling back the drivers cannot solve the problem, then you can try to update the drivers. Here are the detailed steps:

Step 1: Open Device Manager and then right-click the problematic driver to choose Update driver.

Step 2: Choose Search automatically for updated driver software.

Step 3: Follow the instructions showing on the screen to finish updating the driver.

Step 4: Restart your computer and then check whether the error is fixed.

Method 4: Run the SFC and DISM Tools

When you get the error code 0x800703f1, then maybe there are corrupted system files. Luckily, there are two powerful built-in tools you can use to fix the corrupted system files.

Run SFC Tool

The first tool you can use is System File Checker. As part of your system, you can fix the corrupted system files easily and efficiently.

Here is the way to run an SFC scan in Windows 10:

Step 1: Type cmd in the search box and then right-click the best match one to choose Run as administrator. Click Yes.

Step 2: Type sfc /scannow in the Command Prompt window and then press the Enter key.

run SFC scan

Step 3: Wait for the process to complete. Remember that you should never interrupt it.

Step 4: Restart your Windows and then check if the error still persists.

Tip: If SFC scannow isn’t working, this post is what you need – Quickly Fix – SFC Scannow Not Working (Focus on 2 Cases).

Run DISM Tool

If you haven’t fixed the 0x800703f1 error after the SFC scan, then you should try running the DISM (Development Image Servicing and Management) tool.

Here is the way to run DISM to fix the error:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as administrator.

Step 2: Type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth in the Command Prompt window, then press the Enter key.

Step 3: If the command above doesn’t work, then you can insert your installation USB or DVD to your computer and type DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:RepairSourceWindows /LimitAccess. Press the Enter key.

Note: You need to replace “C:RepairSourceWindows” with your installation media’s path.

Step 4: After the scanning process has finished, restart your system and check whether the error is fixed.

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Method 5: Restart Windows Update Components

You can meet the 0x800703f1 error when your Windows Update components have problems. Therefore, you can restart Windows Update components manually to fix the error.

Now follow the instructions below to restart Windows Update components:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as an administrator.

Step 2: Type the following commands in the Command Prompt window:

net stop wuauserv
net stop cryptSvc
net stop bits
net stop msiserver
ren C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old
net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
net start bits
net start msiserver

Step 3: After finishing the steps above, reboot your Windows and check if the error is gone.

Method 6: Perform a Clean Installation of Windows 10

If none of the methods above can help you fix the 0x800703f1 error, then you’d better perform a clean installation of Windows 10.

But as you know, performing a clean installation of Windows 10 will lose installed software and some files, therefore, you should back up your important files to avoid losing data.

Back up Important Data Before Windows 10 Installation

So how to back up your files safely and quickly? Referring to this, it is recommended to use MiniTool ShadowMaker – a piece of powerful and professional backup and restore software.

This software allows you to back up files and folders, disks and partitions and even the system. Then you can restore them if there is something wrong with them or you need them.

And another important feature of MiniTool ShadowMaker is that you can sync files and folders to other locations.

Another reason why it is worth using is that you can use it for free for 30 days, so just download it and have a try.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Now follow the detailed instructions to back up files using MiniTool ShadowMaker:

Step 1: Download and launch MiniTool ShadowMaker, then click Keep Trial.

Step 2: Choose Connect in This Computer to enter the main interface.

Note: If you want to manage a remote computer, you need to know the remote computer’s IP address and make sure that the computers are on the same LAN.

choose a computer to manage

Step 3: Go to the Backup page. Click Source and then choose Files and folder.

Tip: MiniTool ShadowMaker backs up the operating system and selects the destination by default.

go to the Backup page

Step 4: Select all the files and folders that you want to back up and then click OK.

choose files and folders to back up

Step 5: Click Destination to select where you want to save the backup image and then click OK.

Note: There are five different locations you can choose to save the backup: Administrator, Libraries, Computer, Network, and Shared. It is not recommended to save the backup image to the C drive.

Step 6: After you have confirmed the backup source and destination, click Back up Now to begin to back up files and folders.

Tip: You need to start the task on the Manage page if you click Back up Later.

back up files and folders

Step 7: Wait for MiniTool ShadowMaker to complete backing up files and folders.

Reinstall Windows 10

After you have backed up all the important data, then it is time to reinstall Windows 10. Now read this post to get the detailed instructions of reinstalling Windows 10 – How to Reinstall Windows 10 without CD/USB Easily (3 Skills).

In this post, I have found the most efficient method to fix the Windows update error 0x800703f1. The methods are very useful.Click to Tweet

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Final Words

In this post, you can know why 0x800703f1 error occurs in the process of updating your operating system and you can find several feasible methods to solve the error. And you should back up your data regularly in case data loss.

If you have any better advice or have any confusion about the method, leave a comment or send us an email to [email protected].

0x800703f1 FAQ

How do I fix error 0x800703f1?

There are 6 methods you can try to fix the error.

  1. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  2. Disable antivirus software.
  3. Make changes to the driver.
  4. Run the SFC and DISM tools.
  5. Restart Windows Update components.
  6. Perform a clean installation of Windows.
How do I fix error code 0x80070002?
  1. Check the date and time settings.
  2. Disable security software temporarily.
  3. Run System File Checker.
  4. Delete SoftwareDistribution folder.
  5. Restart Windows Update Service.
  6. Reset Winsock Catalog.
  7. Run Windows Update Troubleshooter.

Get detailed instructions from this post – 7 Fixes to Windows Update Error 0x80070002[Step-by-Step Guide].

How do I fix a Windows 10 installation error?

There are 6 methods that you can try to fix the Windows 10 installation error:

  1. Remove external hardware.
  2. Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  3. Update Windows.
  4. Uninstall non-Microsoft antivirus software.
  5. Uninstall nonessential software.
  6. Free up disk space.
How do I fix potential Windows Update database error detected?
  1. Run System File Checker.
  2. Run DISM tool.
  3. Reset Windows Update Components manually.
  4. Perform a clean boot.
  5. Reset the computer.

You can get detailed instructions by reading this post – Top 5 Ways to Potential Windows Update Database Error Detected.

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